Articles How To Master Effective Planning: Tips That Will Set You Apart

How To Master Effective Planning: Tips That Will Set You Apart

Goal-Oriented Project Management
Bitrix24 Team
9 min
Updated: August 12, 2024
Bitrix24 Team
Updated: August 12, 2024
How To Master Effective Planning: Tips That Will Set You Apart

Everyone wants to be more effective in their planning efforts. Regardless of what role you play, or what industry you work in, it is important to learn efficient and effective planning mechanisms so that you can make the most out of your workday.

How can you do this consistently, with all the distractions of the modern world? There are ways, and if you make a concerted effort to create a distinct planning process and stick to it, you will be amazed at the results you achieve.

But it will take perseverance and focus; there are many things threatening to divert people’s attention these days, and if you’re not sufficiently focused then you could easily be led astray.

In the following sections, we will provide concrete steps for how to plan effectively.

How to plan effectively by creating SMART goals

No, this doesn’t mean intelligent. (Although it should be!) SMART is an acronym designed by planning specialists that is making waves all over the world for its ability to change people’s habits. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-sensitive.

What does this mean in reality?


When you are creating goals for yourself, you shouldn’t just say things like “I want to rise through the ranks in my company.” You should target a specific position that you want to achieve within a particular time period and shoot for exactly that.

You can also create smaller goals along the way, and create new goals once your initial ones have been achieved, but they should always be very clear and specific.


Everyone wants to make a lot of money, right? If you dream of making it to the top and living like Jeff Bezos, you should come up with more measurable goals than simply wanting to make a lot of money.

Come up with particular amounts that you think you can make within one, five, and ten years, and shoot for those amounts. If you find that you are completely off the first time, you can adjust your future expectations (on the other hand, you can raise them if you make it past your first goal!).


We would all like to be as rich as Bezos, of course. But in the vast majority of cases, this isn’t realistic.

If you make a salary of $60,000 a year and feel like you are in a good position to move up, then setting a goal of hitting $65,000 by the following year is realistic. Increasing the number tenfold probably isn’t.


Your goals should be relevant to your job, to the specific position you have, and to the project tasks you have to fulfill.

If you have a mid-level admin position and want to help the company increase its revenue, this isn’t particularly relevant because it isn’t your job to increase sales. But if you want to attain a higher-level admin position within a year, that is.


Just as you want your goals to be measurable, so too should they always be bound by a particular time frame. If you have year-long goals, it is a good idea to create monthly, weekly, etc ones as well. This will help keep you on track.

How To Master Effective Planning: Tips That Will Set You Apart

Prioritize your project tasks and make celebrate milestones

Truly effective planners do much more than simply work hard. You should prioritize your tasks based on their importance and the weight that each of them carries in terms of your overall goals.

To truly understand task priority, you need to devote time and resources to those things that are more complex and require greater attention.

Why is prioritizing tasks important?

There are multiple reasons why you should take care of more difficult tasks first. For one thing, they might require greater focus and energy, and you might not have sufficient focus at the end of a series of tasks.

Also, if you accomplish something early on, it could give you a small victory and therefore give you greater motivation to finish everything else.

A related thing that you should do is celebrate milestones. This is a way of creating small points for celebration en route to achieving your larger goals.

Doing this effectively requires careful planning and taking a look at your larger goals to determine how they should be broken down.

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Prioritize within reason

You don’t want to create a milestone for every email that you send out, because the process will quickly become meaningless and you won’t have any incentive to continue with it.

However, there is a frequency that will work with every project timeline. Determine what this will be for you based upon the amount of time and work that you think will give you satisfaction for a job well done.

Make a comprehensive analysis of your work to track your progress

Before you get started in a new position or a new project, it is critical that you gain a comprehensive understanding of the larger situation. There is a well-established framework that many people use to do this. It is known as SWOT.

What is a SWOT analysis?

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. While something like this might seem unnecessary - many people believe they know their own strengths and weaknesses well enough - you would be surprised at how much more effective it can be to write it all down and make it part of your plan.

You can break down the fundamental idea like this: strengths and weaknesses are “internal” factors, meaning that they are things that you can control because they are part of your fundamental character.

Opportunities and threats are external factors because they come from the situations you are in and other things that you cannot control directly.

SWOT analyses can be used to gain a more holistic view of any type of situation. They can apply to an individual, a project, a team, or an entire organization.

Conducting an accurate SWOT analysis will help you utilize those strengths and opportunities that will help you achieve your goals faster, and also help you anticipate challenges and obstacles ahead so that you can manage them appropriately.

Create distinct responsibilities for staff

If you are a business or departmental leader, you should be sure to establish clear, distinct responsibilities for each of the people in your team. This helps in making project components clearer to each individual, and also to the group as a whole.

Why is this important?

Delegating tasks helps to streamline operations, make staff members more productive, and boost company morale as a whole. It also helps to reduce confusion that could result in overlaps or missed tasks.

Tasks should not just be assigned at random. They should be in accordance with each team member’s abilities, strengths, and capacity for output. Delineating tasks means that each team member is accountable for his or her work.

Consider adding staff

It may be the case that you have to bring in outside people to complete a team. This can be useful in several respects: it can increase productivity of the group as a whole, and it can also add a welcome outside perspective to enhance the project as a whole.

It is often the case that people tend to become entrenched in the details of their work. For this reason, gaining an outside perspective can help to look at a project in a whole new way, and this can benefit everyone involved.

Find the right tools for your purpose

There are a lot of online tools available these days. The trick to succeeding is to find the ones that suit your project themes and goals, and the size of your operation.

It is great that there are AI tools available to help with large-scale financial operations, for example, but if yours is a small business then this might not be what is called for.

There are tools available for virtually every part of the work process these days: calendars to help you in the planning stage, such as Bitrix24 calendars; project management tools; personal organization tools; etc.

Benefits that tools offer in the planning process

These tools can help make your work more efficient, help you meet deadlines, and establish clear objectives that can help you meet your larger goals. They can also help keep your staff members coordinated and working together in the most productive way.

Before you start investing in them, take a careful look at your projects as a whole, and think about what your individual needs are.

How To Master Effective Planning: Tips That Will Set You Apart

Schedule regular project reviews into your work to plan effectively

Simply creating a plan for your work is not sufficient to achieve your goals. It can be a great start, but to really be effective, you need to take into consideration the fact that circumstances are always subject to change.

There could be any number of factors that cause your outputs to change and fall out of alignment with your original goals. There could be some team members who don’t produce as much as they should, which results in lower sales numbers for a given period.

On the other hand, you might find yourself doing even better than you expected and need to raise your goals accordingly.

Remember to get feedback for careful planning

To do this effectively, you should incorporate feedback mechanisms into your plans. Looking at objective outputs - such as leads, conversions, and sales numbers - is helpful. But you should also take the time to gather qualitative feedback as this can make a big difference in your planning.

It could be that one or more of your staff members are making big numbers, for example, but that they feel overwhelmed by the pace of things and would rather slow down.

Remember, hard statistics are useful, but they aren’t everything. Always take the time to gather different types of information from your team members and incorporate it into your future plans.

Keep all team members up to date

It is often the case that company leaders only feel the need to relay important information to the people directly beneath them in the company hierarchy.

They also frequently communicate certain types of information to individual departments - i.e., sales numbers to the finance department, marketing statistics to the marketing department, etc.

It is important to remember that teams function best when they work as a unit. This means that you communicate plans, results, and progress to all the stakeholders in a given project clearly.

And when you seek feedback to strengthen your future plans, you shouldn’t leave people out.

Things could be shifting more than you know

For example, you might have a really amazing receptionist who does an excellent job of keeping everyone informed of messages, on top of deadlines, etc. But he or she might be unhappy because of a poor salary, lack of appreciation, or substandard working conditions and might suddenly decide to quit in the middle of a project.

The next receptionist you bring in might be terrible, and all your once-efficient messaging could cause your plans to go haywire. Think about every person involved and treat them the way they should be treated.


Planning effectively and making your work more productive is something that pretty much anyone can do. If you are organized, determined, and careful about the way you plan and execute your projects, you will be able to produce more effective outputs and reach your goals more easily.

This takes discipline, though. To really be effective in your work, you need to focus carefully on all of the moving components, the people you involve in your projects, and be prepared to adjust your future plans as necessary. It might mean putting a lot more work in than you initially thought you would have to. But if you can do this, you may well be on the path to huge success.

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Table of Content
How to plan effectively by creating SMART goals What does this mean in reality? Prioritize your project tasks and make celebrate milestones Why is prioritizing tasks important? Prioritize within reason Make a comprehensive analysis of your work to track your progress What is a SWOT analysis? Create distinct responsibilities for staff Why is this important? Consider adding staff Find the right tools for your purpose Benefits that tools offer in the planning process Schedule regular project reviews into your work to plan effectively Remember to get feedback for careful planning Keep all team members up to date Things could be shifting more than you know Conclusion
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