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New Bitrix24 Tasks – Task Involvement, Custom Fields, Tasks From Activity Stream Posts and Comments
Tasks and projects
New Bitrix24 Tasks – Task Involvement, Custom Fields, Tasks From Activity Stream Posts and Comments
We’ve prepared some updates in tasks for you! Find a brief yet comprehensive feature digest inside.

2 min
How To Connect Facebook To Bitrix24 CRM - Video Tutorial
How To Connect Facebook To Bitrix24 CRM - Video Tutorial
Effortlessly connect your Facebook profile to the Bitrix24 Contact Center, enabling direct engagement with customers through messages and comments, with every interaction neatly stored in your Bitrix24 CRM for streamlined customer relationship management.
1 min
Meet New Bitrix24 Online Payment Options
Meet New Bitrix24 Online Payment Options
Bitrix24 has a new feature which will make your life a bit easier. Now Bitrix24 CRM can accept payments from your customers online!

2 min
New: Open Channels In Bitrix24
New: Open Channels In Bitrix24 (Year 2016)
Open Channels is a new tool for your Bitrix24 account offering integration with popular social networks and other messengers.

6 min
Interview With KNOCK EM DEAD JOB INTERVIEW Author Martin Yate
Interview With KNOCK EM DEAD JOB INTERVIEW Author Martin Yate
Martin Yate is a specialist in job search and modern career management. He told us how to succeed in a job interview.

7 min
Meet New Bitrix24 CRM Forms
Meet New Bitrix24 CRM Forms
New smart lead capture forms for your Bitrix24 CRM are finally here to minimize your efforts! Discover the advantages of them.

3 min
Diamante Associates increased productivity by 10 - 15% with Bitrix24
Business development
Diamante Associates increased productivity by 10 - 15% with Bitrix24
The agency has chosen Bitrix24 as their collaboration suite to manage sales in three different cities and increase productivity of the real estate agents.

2 min
Few Examples Of Customizing Leave Approval Workflow In Bitrix24
Few Examples Of Customizing Leave Approval Workflow In Bitrix24
Bitrix24 comes with Leave Management System. Here’s a short description of its functions.

1 min
Manage Freelancers Effectively With These Four Simple Tips
Manage Freelancers Effectively With These Four Simple Tips
Here are 4 simple steps which will help you not only enjoy the advantages of working with freelancers, but also make the work flow much smoother.

3 min
Bitrix24 Helps Endeleza International Provide Affordable And Quality Education In Kenya
Business development
Bitrix24 Helps Endeleza International Provide Affordable And Quality Education In Kenya
Endeleza is an organization that provides education in Kenya. The team believes that Bitrix24 improved their productivity as their tasks are getting more organized.

2 min
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