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Bitrix24 tips and updates
This application will save you a lot of time on creating reports and issuing invoices - as now a single app can calculate all the labor costs (time and expenses) for a project.
Bitrix24 integration with Billable Hours For Tasks
This application will save you a lot of time on creating reports and issuing invoices - as now a single app can calculate all the labor costs (time and expenses) for a project.
1 min
We are glad to inform you that now there is an option to integrate Bitrix24 with your PayPal business account to accept payments via PayPal.
Bitrix24 integration with Pay Pal
Now there is an option to integrate Bitrix24 with your PayPal business account to accept payments via PayPal.
1 min
As Facebook is one of communication channels in Bitrix24, we need to notify you of important changes to WhatsApp and Facebook Messages open channels.
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Facebook Messenger Platform Policy update
Starting March 4th, a new Facebook messenger platform policy is applied.
1 min
We have decided to temporarily remove 12 user restriction on free Bitrix24 plans and make it possible to use our free accounts by an unlimited number of users.
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Bitrix24, Coronavirus, Remote Working And Contingency Planning
2 min
Import and export CRM settings
Import and export CRM settings
You can now create CRM presets and deploy them in other Bitrix24 accounts.
1 min
Change history in Bitrix24 CRM
Change history in Bitrix24 CRM
You can now view in detail all changes made within your CRM entity.
1 min
Work schedules
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Work schedules in Bitrix24
Now there are three types of work schedules in your Bitrix24: flexible schedules, fixed schedules and shifts.
1 min
Sales Center: Connect PayPal
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Sales Center: Connect PayPal
This option allows your customers to pay for orders placed in Bitrix24 online stores via PayPal.
1 min
Checklists in mobile tasks
Bitrix24 tips and updates
Checklists in mobile tasks
Checklists are now available in mobile tasks.
1 min
Copy workgroups and projects
Tasks and projects
Copy workgroups and projects
You can now copy workgroups and projects in your Bitrix24 account.
1 min
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