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Bitrix24 tips and updates
Knowledge Base update
Knowledge Base update
Improve the knowledge management process in your company with Bitrix24 Knowledge Base.
2 min
Site boost in Bitrix24.Sites
Site boost in Bitrix24.Sites
The site boost feature in Bitrix24.Sites includes optimize website load time and use lazy image loading options to assure your site is loaded properly.
2 min
Bitrix24 Mobile App update
Bitrix24 Mobile App update
Bitrix24 mobile application has been updated. Find the list of the most important updates in this article.
1 min
New reports in CRM Analytics
New reports in CRM Analytics
There are two more types of reports available in Bitrix24 CRM Analytics: Individual Performance Report and Top Grossing Clients Report.
2 min
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Increase the number of automation processes in your company, save time and increase productivity with Robotic Process Automation tool in Bitrix24.
2 min
Bitrix24 Tasks Module Update
Tasks and projects
Bitrix24 Tasks Module Update
The tasks module in Bitrix24 has been updated. Find the list of the most important updates in this article.
2 min
New in Bitrix24: CRM Store
New in Bitrix24: CRM Store
Process, get and store payment data inside a single CRM system and never loose clients at the payment stage!
2 min
Workflows: Actions in Document Processing
Workflows: Actions in Document Processing
We've prepared the list of all workflow actions in document processing that will help you perform effective document management and document collaboration.
1 min
Workflows: Actions in Bitrix24.Drive
Workflows: Actions in Bitrix24.Drive
Here is the list of all workflow actions in Bitrix24.Drive that will help you work with Drive easier and more efficiently.
1 min
Workflows: Actions in Bitrix24 Tasks
Tasks and projects
Workflows: Actions in Bitrix24 Tasks
Here is a list of all workflow actions in Bitrix24 tasks that will help you automate your daily task routine and organize your work effectively.
1 min
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